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Side Effect(s) Of Tetracycline

Review the side-effects of Tetracycline as documented in medical literature. The term "side effects" refers to unintended effects that can occur as a result of taking the medication. In majority of the instances these side-effects are mild and easily tolerable, however sometimes they can be more severe and can be detrimental.

If the side effects are not tolerable adjusting the dosage or switching to a different medication can help to manage or overcome side effects. If you have any doubts or questions, we recommend seeking advice from your doctor or pharmacist.

What Are The Side Effects Of Statins?

Medically reviewed by Alex Yampolsky, PharmD

Statins are widely used cholesterol-lowering drugs that can reduce the risk of major heart-related health problems.

Though statins generally have a good safety profile, they can cause side effects in some people. Still, healthcare providers believe that the benefits of statins outweigh the risks related to side effects. There are options for managing side effects if they become bothersome.

This article will review the side effects of statin drugs and how to manage them.

What Are Statins?

Statin medications are used with diet and exercise to treat hypercholesteremia (high blood cholesterol levels).

Statins belong to the prescription drug class called hydroxymethylglutaryl-coenzyme A (HMG CoA) reductase enzyme inhibitors. They work to reduce the production of cholesterol in the liver.

Statins lower low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol, also known as bad cholesterol, and triglyceride levels in the blood. They also increase the concentration of high-density lipoprotein (HDL), also known as good cholesterol.

Statins are also widely used and have proved effective in preventing atherosclerotic vascular diseases, primarily by reducing plasma LDL concentrations.

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA)-approved and marketed single-ingredient products statins include:

Other combination products include:

  • Advicor (lovastatin/niacin extended release)

  • Simcor (simvastatin/niacin extended release)

  • Vytorin (simvastatin/ezetimibe)

  • Side Effects of Statins

    Statins have a good safety and efficacy profile for improving cholesterol levels. However, they can cause some side effects.

    The benefits of taking statins generally outweigh the side effects, but they can still be bothersome for some people. In most cases, they are reversible but sometimes require stopping therapy for a while.

    Some more common mild side effects of statins include:

  • Constipation

  • Diarrhea

  • Dizziness

  • Gas

  • Headache

  • Muscle/joint aches

  • Nausea

  • Upset stomach

  • Other potential reversible side effects include:

    In some people, statins can cause a few severe side effects. However, these are generally uncommon. Some other rare severe side effects of statin include:

  • Liver damage

  • Kidney damage

  • Muscle disorders

  • Hemorrhagic strokes

  • The risks of these are rare and associated with higher drug doses. Healthcare providers believe that statins' benefits outweigh the risks of these side effects.

    Muscle Pain and Soreness

    Some people report mild muscle pain and soreness while taking statins. However, some studies suggest that most reports of muscle pain may not actually be due to the statin itself.

    If the side effects become especially bothersome, your healthcare provider might reduce the dose.

    Rarely, severe cases may involve a type of muscle disorder called rhabdomyolysis, which can cause the following symptoms:

  • Severe muscle cramps, aches, or pains

  • Dark-colored urine

  • Extreme weakness or fatigue

  • Risk Factors for Side Effects

    Statins are relatively safe for most people. However, they are not recommended in certain cases. Some people are at an increased risk of side effects. This includes if you:

  • Take other medicines to lower cholesterol levels or drugs that interact with statins

  • Are pregnant

  • Are 80 years or older

  • Have kidney or liver disease

  • Consume alcohol in excess

  • Have hypothyroidism

  • Have a neuromuscular disorder, such as amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS)

  • Drug and Food Interaction

    Statins may interact with certain drugs and cause an increased risk of muscle injury:

  • Cholesterol-lowering drugs known as fibrates

  • Higher doses of niacin

  • Ranexa (ranolazine), used to treat angina

  • Colchicine, a medicine for treating gout

  • The FDA has updated the Lovastatin label for interactions with other drugs and their dose limitations to reduce the risk of muscle injury.

    Follow a healthy diet while taking statins. This includes eating less fat in the diet.

    Avoid drinking large amounts of grapefruit juice while taking statins. Excessive grapefruit juice consumption can raise the amount of the drug in the blood and increase the risk of muscle disorders. However, an 8-ounce (240-milliliter) glass of juice or one grapefruit can be safely consumed.

    How to Manage Side Effects

    In many cases, the benefits of statin therapy outweigh the risk of adverse effects. However, in some people, the side effects may be severe enough to drive healthcare providers to permit the discontinuation of statin drugs.

    To relieve side effects that are believed to be caused by statins, discuss these steps with your healthcare provider:

  • Stopping statin therapy to reduce the side effects

  • Switching to another cholesterol-lowering drug

  • Reducing the dose

  • Making lifestyle changes to reduce cholesterol levels, such as eating a low-fat diet, doing regular exercise, and quitting smoking

  • Some also believe that taking coenzyme Q10 (coQ10) supplements can help fight muscle disease. However, the data on this has been mixed, and many studies don't indicate much benefit from taking CoQ10 supplements for this purpose.

    Statins can lower the risk of a heart attack or stroke, and the risk of life-threatening side effects from statins is very low.


    Statins are a widely used group of drugs that are generally well tolerated. Like any other type of drug, they may cause a few side effects in some people.

    The side effects of statins, such as muscle pain, memory loss, or a slight increase in the risk of new-onset diabetes and the potentially increased risk of stroke, are negligible when compared with the benefits that the medication provides.

    Tell your healthcare provider about any other drugs you take before taking statins.

    Read the original article on Verywell Health.

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    'Ozempic Breasts' Side Effect Reported By People Taking Weight Loss Drugs

  • "Ozempic breasts" is the latest reported side effect of GLP-1 medications like Ozempic, Wegovy, Mounjaro, and Zepbound.
  • The term is being used to refer to unexpected changes in breast size or shape as a result of rapid, extreme weight loss.
  • The most common symptoms include loss of volume, sagging, and tenderness.
  • GLP-1 medications like Ozempic, Wegovy, Mounjaro, and Zepbound have become popular weight loss tools.

    However, people can also experience a wide variety of side effects while taking these drugs, including some that are associated with extreme weight loss.

    Like "Ozempic face" and "Ozempic butt," "Ozempic breasts" is the latest term gaining popularity as a way to describe a loss in volume and decrease in skin elasticity that people often experience while taking GLP-1 drugs, which can lead to a change in shape and appearance in specific parts of the body.

    "Ozempic breasts" isn't a clinical term, but it has entered the public lexicon.

    "Ozempic breasts is a newer term that people are using now to refer to unexpected changes in breast size or shape as a result of rapid weight loss induced by Ozempic," says Christopher Costa MD, MPH, the founder of Platinum Plastic Surgery.

    According to Elie Levine, MD FACS, the director of plastic surgery at Plastic Surgery & Dermatology of NYC PLLC, "The most common symptoms include loss of volume, sagging, tenderness, and rarely, some will describe size fluctuations including swelling."

    While more research is needed, each expert Healthline spoke with pointed to the same likely cause for breast changes.

    "In the breast area, rapid fat loss can leave the skin envelope empty, causing the breasts to look deflated and the nipples facing downward," says Ronald F. Rosso, MD, the medical director at Peninsula Plastic Surgery. "This appearance is very similar to what happens after patients have had more traditional weight loss procedures such as gastric bypass."

    Levine points out that there isn't research backing breast changes, but that doesn't mean they don't happen. In fact, Levine says they likely occur for some patients and echoed Rosso's sentiments.

    "Ozempic can affect weight and hormones in your body," Levine says. "As a result of shifts in weight and hormones, other changes may occur, such as in the appearance of your breasts. Mostly, however, if one loses considerable weight, it is reasonable to think that the weight loss will include all parts of the body, including the breasts."

    Ozempic and Wegovy use the active ingdedient, semaglutide, a GLP-1 hormone receptor agonist.

    "The hormone, which is naturally produced in the body, plays a strong role in regulating blood sugar levels, appetite, and body weight," Costa says. "So basically, the medication makes you feel fuller longer, experience no cravings, and not eat as much because you're less hungry."

    Hormonal changes, such as during pregnancy and a person's menstrual cycle, can cause temporary breast changes, such as swelling. Since GLP-1 drugs mimic a hormone, could the same be true for these medications?

    It's unclear.

    "The effects of Ozempic on testosterone and estrogen are being studied currently, but there is no definitive data on their interactions at this time," Costa says. "More research is needed to directly link hormonal changes affecting breast tissue to the use of this medication because it is currently understood to primarily affect blood sugar and appetite hormones."

    Costa notes that breast changes don't appear to be a cause for concern at this time.

    "Every individual is different," Costa says. "However, the changes in breasts are typically correlated to overall weight changes as opposed to Ozempic specifically."

    However, some people may experience physical and emotional discomfort related to these changes and want solutions. First, it's best to wait before seeking professional procedures.

    "I advise my patients to wait until they are able to maintain their desired weight before making any decisions," Costa says.

    Also, doctors only recommend stopping medication after speaking to a healthcare professional first.

    Research from 2022 indicated that those who stopped using semaglutide regained about two-thirds of their lost weight within a year. This is commonly referred to as Ozempic rebound.

    Still, there are ways to manage physical discomfort while taking GLP-1 medications and, if and when the time is right for a patient, breast appearance, too.

    Experts offered the following tips:

    At-home care

    While procedures may help with breast changes, experts share some remedies for both appearance and pain that can be handled at home.

    "Wearing a supportive bra 24/7 except when showering can be helpful in limiting the effects of weight loss combined with the stretch and sagging caused by gravity," Levine says.

    Swelling can also be reduced with minimally invasive steps.

    "Although there might be some discomfort with this, massaging the breasts can help increase circulation and reduce swelling," Levine says. "Furthermore, ibuprofen or Tylenol or applying a cool compress can help relieve some of the discomfort."


    Patients may also consider or opt for a procedure. These may include:

  • Breast lift (mastopexy)
  • Breast augmentation
  • Breast lift with implants
  • "A breast lift helps to raise and firm the breasts by removing excess skin and tightening the surrounding tissue to reshape and support the new breast contour," Costa says. "I notice that patients who feel insecure due to their breasts sagging after rapid weight loss will opt for this procedure to perk up their breasts and give them a full shape."

    Additionally, people who aren't happy with a smaller breast size may opt for an augmentation to restore volume, Costa says.

    "[It can help people] to feel like themselves again," Costa says.

    Others may opt for both.

    "Many patients feel very deterred when I tell them that a breast lift will cause them to lose a cup size," Costa says. As such, these patients will opt for a combination of a lift and augmentation implants to achieve their desired aesthetic. This is usually the case when the patient has a significant loss of volume and sagging."

    That said, procedures aren't the best fit for each patient.

    "While surgery often addresses the concerns of patients, it is not for everyone," Levine says. "I highly recommend speaking to a board certified plastic surgeon to discuss your options even if, in the end, you decide it is not for you or not for you at the current time. There is power in knowledge."

    Embrace it

    Doing nothing is a perfectly acceptable solution to "Ozempic breasts."

    "Your body after Ozempic may be completely different," Costa says. "That means accepting that overall breast volume and shape may be affected. If you're not ready for a cosmetic procedure, it's OK to embrace your new look. Go shopping for new clothes to fit your new size and bust to create the best version of yourself."

    "Ozempic breasts" is the latest reported side effect of GLP-1 medications like Ozempic.

    The term is being used to refer to unexpected changes in breast size or shape as a result of extreme weight loss triggered by GLP-1 medications.

    Sagging, tenderness, and volume loss are among the most common symptoms people are reporting.

    Hormonal changes may also trigger swelling, but health experts say they should be temporary.

    Surgical procedures like breast lifts and implants can alter the appearance of sagging and lost volume.


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