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my nose is runny in the morning :: Article Creator Causes And Treatments Of A Burning Sensation In The Nose A burning feeling in the nose can stem from respiratory infections, allergic or nonallergic rhinitis, sinusitis, and other causes. Steam inhalation and other remedies can often help. However, prescription medication and medical intervention can be necessary. A burning sensation in the nose may result from inflammation or irritation brought about by an infection or allergic reaction. Besides burning in the nose, a person may experience irritation or itching in the eyes, throat, or sinuses. In this article, we explore the causes of a burning sensation in the nose, along with their treatments and other symptoms. We also look into home remedies that can reduce irritation. "Rhinitis" refers to inflammation inside the nose. In a person with allergic rhinitis, the immune system mistakenly interprets a harmless substanc...