Pulmicort: Side Effects and What to Do About Them

nose wont stop running :: Article Creator

Here's How To Stop A Runny Nose As Quickly As Possible, According To Doctors

It's that time of year again. No, we're not talking about pumpkin spice season, we're referring to the my-nose-is-constantly-running-from-September-through-spring season. Everything from allergies to COVID-19 to the common cold or flu tends to get worse when the air gets cooler, and a runny nose (even when it's relatively mild) can be a pretty annoying issue associated with all of them. The worst part? All that dripping can last from 10 to 14 days, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). That's quite a bit of snot, honestly.

At its core, a nose that won't stop running is your body's way of responding to a trigger, Quintin M. Cappelle, MD, an ENT-otolaryngologist at the Mayo Clinic, tells SELF. Namely, it all comes down to some kind of irritant—like an allergen or a virus—spurring inflammation inside the noses or sinuses, which revs up your mucus glands. In some cases, the immune system appropriately responds to help fight off whatever's stirring up trouble. In the case of a virus, the extra mucus is a good thing—it helps flush all the bad stuff right out. In the case of allergies, the inflammation is triggered by a generally harmless substance (like mold spores being released by rotting leaves), he says, which isn't usually a threat to the body unless you have a condition like allergic asthma.

A runny nose is just a part of life during cold and flu season, but you can feel a bit less miserable with some home care. Here's how to get rid of the constant mucus drip as fast as possible, according to experts.

What causes a runny nose?How to stop a runny noseHow long does a runny nose last?

First, you'll want to figure out what's causing your runny nose.

Ultimately, if you are fighting with a runny nose, you're in good company. Nasal congestion is one of the most frequent symptoms that doctors see.2 Figuring out what's causing your nose to be a gushing snot faucet can be instrumental in treating it. If you're also sneezing and dealing with itchy, watery eyes or a scratchy throat, you could have seasonal allergies, or allergic rhinitis, which are triggered by outdoor allergens such as mold, ragweed, and certain trees or indoor allergens, like pet dander, dust mites, and cockroaches, Nicole J. Van Groningen, MD, an internal medicine specialist at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, tells SELF.

Sometimes, other irritants can be fueling the constant mucus flow, says Dr. Van Groningen. That includes things like fragrances (yep, even from burning candles), cleaning products, or very cold air. "These aren't technically allergens, but can still produce a response of congestion and a runny nose," she says. Pollution may also be on that list, particularly when it comes to year-round nasal symptoms, according to a 2017 study published in the American Journal of Respiratory Cell and Molecular Biology, but more research is needed.1

However, if your runny nose is accompanied by a fever or chills, headache, body aches, or a sore throat, it's probably a cold, the flu, or COVID-19, which are all caused by viruses that can set off similar symptoms, per the CDC. There are a few differences, though. A cold is typically milder than the flu and COVID-19; you're also less likely to have a fever with a cold, and you shouldn't have a fever with allergies. If you experience a change or loss in your taste and smell, you're probably dealing with COVID-19, according to the CDC, but this symptom can still occur with any respiratory infection that affects the nasal passages. If you have any cold- or flu-like symptoms, it's best to take an at-home COVID test, and confirm the results with a PCR test at your doctor's office, if you can, so you can take appropriate precautions if you do test positive. In general, you'll want to stay home if you're not feeling well, regardless of what made you sick.

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So, how do I stop a runny nose ASAP?

Again, it depends on what's causing your nose to run in the first place. These treatments can help, but they won't get rid of the underlying cause of your runny nose—that might take some time or a trip to your doctor's office. Here are some medications, home remedies, and self-care tips to keep in mind.

Consider using over-the-counter meds.

If your face turns into a river of snot every time you lay with your furry friend on the couch or enjoy your morning coffee on the deck, you're probably dealing with an allergy. Thankfully, there are a plethora of OTC antihistamines you can try. These medications come in the form of pills or nasal sprays and help tamp down on your body's allergic response, which can help dry up the snot and ease other bothersome symptoms.

When you're fighting off a respiratory infection, OTC decongestants can shrink the blood vessels inside the nose, which reduces mucus output, per the Mayo Clinic. Nasal steroids can also help to calm inflammation in the nose. The main thing to remember with any medication is to use it exactly as directed (so read the packaging carefully if you're not talking to your doc about it first). "If you use decongestants longer than three to five days or more frequently than recommended, you can get a 'rebound' runny nose," Dr. Van Groningen says. "This means that your symptoms may return and even worsen once treatment stops."

One thing to keep in mind is what type of treatment you use before bed. "Nasal decongestants can actually kind of hype you up like caffeine because they promote the sympathetic nervous system, potentially causing insomnia and agitation," Dr. Van Groningen says.

Try a saline spray or nasal irrigation

If medications aren't your jam, you can either use a saline nasal spray or a saline irrigation system (like a Neti Pot) to flush out your sinuses. These pots look like little teapots that you fill with a saltwater solution. (You'll want to use distilled water. If you use tap water, boil the water for a few minutes and then let it cool to lukewarm. Do not use boiling water in your nose.) The next step is bending over a sink while you squirt the saltwater solution up your nostrils to clean out whatever is hanging out in there, per the Mayo Clinic.

Saline treatments are "extremely low-risk," says Dr. Van Groningen, but just know they may not be enough to fully knock out a persistent runny nose. Nasal saline irrigation (especially when followed by a steroid spray) before bed can help keep your sinuses clear overnight, says Dr. Cappelle.

Crank up the humidifier for some comfort.

Run a cool-air humidifier or try steam therapy (standing in a hot shower will do the trick) to keep your nasal passages moist and happy. Both of these methods help break up mucus, per the US National Library of Medicine. Staying comfortable also means avoiding known allergens or irritants, blowing your nose gently as needed, and drinking plenty of fluids to keep your mucus thin. If you're feeling wiped out from being sick, make sure to get plenty of rest; prop your head up on a pillow when you're trying to snooze to help with drainage.

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How long does a runny nose typically last?

If you have a runny nose that's not letting up after 10 days or so and it's not responding to OTC medications and self-care, you may want to consider seeing your doctor.

If you're feeling crappy from a respiratory infection after seven days, your primary care physician may be able to prescribe a stronger medication to take care of the runny nose and other yucky symptoms. If you still don't feel better, a bacterial sinus infection may be brewing, which may need to be treated with antibiotics, says Dr. Cappelle.

In any case, if your nasal symptoms are sticking around or making everyday life really unpleasant, it's time to make an appointment with a doctor, if you can. "It's not something that's dangerous if you can't see your doctor after a week—it's just going to be uncomfortable," says Dr. Van Groningen. But, let's be real, nobody wants to suffer through the sniffles forever.

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  • American Journal of Respiratory Cell and Molecular Biology, Airborne Particulate Matter Induces Nonallergic Eosinophilic Sinonasal Inflammation in Mice
  • International Journal of General Medicine, Pathophysiology of Nasal Congestion
  • Related:

    DR MARTIN SCURR: Why Have I Always Had A Runny Nose For 30 Years - And What Can I Do To Make It Stop?

    My nose drips all year round — summer and winter, in warm weather and cold, whether I'm inside or out. I've had this problem for years and it is embarrassing. Is there anything I can do?

    Jess Webster, Dundee.

    Having a constantly dripping nose is a common problem, affecting around one person in ten. It is known medically as chronic rhinitis and there will often be persistent sneezing and a blocked feeling in the nasal passages, too.

    It can be seasonal or felt all year round, and more often than not it is caused by an allergy. But in your case I think something else is at the root of it.

    In your longer letter, you say you have had the problem since your mid-30s (you are now 70) and that you have tried various allergy-suppressant medications (tablets or nasal sprays) but they made no difference.

    Having a constantly dripping nose is a common problem, affecting around one person in ten. [File image] 

    This makes me think that you have chronic — i.E. Persistent — non-allergic rhinitis. In this case, the endless runny nose results from irritation of the nasal lining, a spongy membrane that has a prodigious population of mucus-secreting cells (as well as tiny blood vessels).

    For unexplained reasons, the lining can become overly sensitive to a range of chemical and physical factors, including a drop in temperature, dry air, pollution, stress, spicy foods and even perfume. This triggers the mucus-secreting cells into action, leading to spontaneous streaming.

    I like the term 'irritable nose syndrome', as it neatly encompasses what's going on here.

    Hormones can play a part: menopause, pregnancy and oral contraceptives can all encourage rhinitis, as can a number of other drugs, such as ACE inhibitors and beta-blockers used to treat high blood pressure, and certain medicines used for erectile dysfunction and depression.

    One possible explanation is that the mechanisms controlling the flow of blood to the lining of the nasal passages are over-sensitive — so with little or no provocation, more blood flows there, which encourages a blocked-up sensation and triggers the cells in the nasal lining to produce mucus.

    I regret to say there is no cure. I must also caution against excessive use of over-the-counter nasal decongestant sprays. Although they may be briefly helpful, there is always a rebound effect, with worse symptoms if they are used continuously for more than a week or two.

    Similarly, corticosteroid nasal sprays can cause problems if used long-term; while the drugs reduce inflammation, they can lead to atrophy (irreversible thinning) of the nasal lining, which ultimately causes excessive dryness and discomfort (a condition called atrophic rhinitis).

    Hormones can play a part: menopause, pregnancy and oral contraceptives can all encourage rhinitis. [File image] 

    There is one antihistamine spray, azelastine (taken twice a day) which can prove helpful for your type of rhinitis, possibly due to its anti-inflammatory effect rather than specifically its anti-allergy effect. Your GP may agree to prescribe this for you.

    You can also ask them about a prescription for ipratropium — the best results I've seen for your type of rhinitis are with this nasal spray. It works by drying nasal secretions and should be used on an intermittent basis — i.E. In circumstances that you know trigger a runny nose — and may be helpful in offering you some relief.

    My right hip is arthritic and painful and I've been recommended a hip replacement procedure. But I also have a low blood platelet count. Should I go ahead with the operation?

    Margaret Mullinger, Somerset.

    Balancing the pros and cons of surgery is an issue that will affect all readers, so thank you for your letter. In your case, I'm happy to say there will be a lot of pros — in that mobility and pain should be improved — and very few cons.

    You say in your longer letter that you have thrombocytopenia, an auto-immune condition in which the body starts attacking platelets — tiny cells within the blood that are vital for clotting — or doesn't produce enough of them. When you are injured, platelets stick together to form a plug to seal the wound.

    A normal platelet count is between 150,000 and 450,000 platelets per microlitre of blood. With thrombocytopenia, levels can drop to 20,000, causing symptoms such as multiple tiny bruises, bleeding gums or nosebleeds.

    Treatment options include steroids or immunosuppressants such as mycophenolate and azathioprine, which work by reducing the immune response that is causing the attack on platelet production. Alternatively, patients may be offered surgery to remove the spleen (part of the immune system that may be involved in the attack on platelets).

    Hip replacement operation causes some damage to the bone of the pelvis in order to implant a new socket, which creates a bearing surface for the replacement hip joint. [File image] 

    More recently, drugs such as eltrombopag (a daily pill) that stimulate the receptors involved in platelet production have proved to be effective.

    It is true that a hip replacement operation causes some damage to the bone of the pelvis in order to implant a new socket, which creates a bearing surface for the replacement hip joint. This will inevitably have a small disruptive effect on the bone marrow at the site, where platelets are made.

    However, let me reassure you that the operation won't have any effect on the remainder of the bone marrow throughout your skeleton, or significantly harm your platelet production.

    Given that your right hip is arthritic and painful, my advice is that you should go ahead with the operation. It is a safe and effective way to relieve chronic pain and restore your mobility.

    Write to Dr Scurr  

    Write to Dr Scurr at Good Health, Daily Mail, 9 Derry Street, London W8 5HY, or email: drmartin@dailymail.Co.Uk — include contact details. Dr Scurr cannot enter into personal correspondence. Replies should be taken in a general context. Consult your own GP with any health worries. 

    I Was Diagnosed With Colorectal Cancer At 43. Let's Get Uncomfortable.

    Tampa Bay Times 1 day ago Ellen E. Clarke, Tampa Bay Times

    Ellen Clarke, assistant managing editor at the Tampa Bay Times, works out at St. Pete Strength Club on May 19. Clarke embraced exercise to stay calm during treatment for rectal cancer. © MARTHA ASENCIO-RHINE/Tampa Bay Times/TNS Ellen Clarke, assistant managing editor at the Tampa Bay Times, works out at St. Pete Strength Club on May 19. Clarke embraced exercise to stay calm during treatment for rectal cancer.

    I woke up crying in the gray light of early morning. For the first time in eight weeks, I found myself alone.

    My husband and our son were on a camping trip, one that I could no longer join them on because my body had turned on me. Work had kept me busy the previous evening, but now, it was just me and Potter, our aussiedoodle, in a quiet house. Me, the dog and the tumor.

    I'm not a crier. I'm an editor and a mom, constantly juggling stories and meetings and car lines. I'd only cried twice up to this point, both times out of shock and over quickly.

    This one was different. Ugly, gasping, snotty sobbing. I howled. It lasted at least an hour, all while Potter tried to comfort me by bringing me the farting poop emoji toy a friend sent to make me laugh. My cancer, after all, was of the poop variety. The soundtrack to my tears became the flatulence unleashed every time Potter nudged the toy toward me.

    Ellen Clarke, right, assistant managing editor at the Tampa Bay Times, leads a weekly meeting of the Life and Culture team in the St. Petersburg bureau on Wednesday, May 24, 2023. © MARTHA ASENCIO-RHINE/Tampa Bay Times/TNS Ellen Clarke, right, assistant managing editor at the Tampa Bay Times, leads a weekly meeting of the Life and Culture team in the St. Petersburg bureau on Wednesday, May 24, 2023.

    Then, suddenly, it was over. "Enough," I thought. I threw the poop toy out of bed, blew my nose, made some coffee and headed to the gym to make myself stronger. And I never cried like that again.

    Let's be real

    This story cannot be told without frank discussion of bowel movements, poop, No. 2, whatever you want to call the bodily function we do daily yet never want to discuss in polite company. Looking at the contents of the toilet, knowing things were not right, and then talking about it saved me.

    Ellen Clarke, assistant managing editor at the Tampa Bay Times, uses the exercise bike at St. Pete Strength Club on May 19 in St. Petersburg. The gym played a pivotal role during treatment for rectal cancer. © MARTHA ASENCIO-RHINE/Tampa Bay Times/TNS Ellen Clarke, assistant managing editor at the Tampa Bay Times, uses the exercise bike at St. Pete Strength Club on May 19 in St. Petersburg. The gym played a pivotal role during treatment for rectal cancer.

    While on spring break with friends last March, the kids were running wild with Nerf guns, the parents were drinking and playing board games, and I was spending a lot of time locked in a bathroom with bloody diarrhea.

    For a few years, I had noticed a bit of blood when I went to the bathroom, mostly if I'd had sweets. It was enough that I mentioned it to my primary care doctor during a checkup in 2019, but it didn't seem to worry her.

    All of a sudden, I was having more, and it wasn't just after sweets. March turned to April and things didn't improve. Then there was throbbing pain and terrible itching. Stool was coming out in ribbons and the blood was bright red.

    Now, Dr. Google will tell you that what I was experiencing could be cancer. I dismissed that, convinced it was hemorrhoids. I made an appointment with my doctor in April, then got COVID. When I finally went, she felt a hemorrhoid and said she could give me a suppository, but I should book a colonoscopy. I was 43, two years younger than the suggested minimum age.

    It was so hard to reach a gastroenterologist that I almost gave up, having experienced a bit of relief from the prescription. Two of the offices I was referred to didn't answer their phones. My doctor's office had to intervene for me to get a call back. After another month, they got me in for a consult to schedule a colonoscopy. By then, I was convinced that I had one of the irritable bowel diseases. Dr. Google said so!

    Let's get this done and get a plan, I thought. I'm a fan of plans, of creating order where it doesn't exist. On July 21, a week before my 44th birthday, I went in for my colonoscopy. I was the youngest person there, the only one who had to take a pregnancy test.

    I enjoyed a nap and woke up in recovery. The nurse chatted with me until she was sure I was cognizant. Then she said: "They found something."

    The nurses called my husband to come to the hospital while I was asleep. He rushed into my curtained recovery cubby, where I overheard other patients being put on the 10-year routine colonoscopy plan.

    The first thing I remember saying was, "But I have a baby." My baby is 8, but it was his face flashing in my mind. My brilliant little monster who looks like me and will still snuggle. It was imagining him living without me that rendered me unable to speak, barely able to breathe. I hadn't felt this untethered since he was delivered via a last-minute C-section and taken away to be cleaned up, leaving me panicking.

    My head swam with what this "something" would mean for my life, my demanding career as an assistant managing editor at the Tampa Bay Times. Then my thoughts would boomerang back to my child. Rick, my husband, tried to lighten my stunned silence by making a "Kindergarten Cop" joke: "Ellie, it IS a tuma."

    The doctor came in and said he'd see me next week when the biopsy was back. He reassured me the mass was treatable, that by not ignoring the problem I had caught it in time. They told me not to research it yet. We weren't out of the parking lot before I turned to Google.

    My husband called my mother-in-law with the news and our son overheard him say that I had a tumor. When he got home, he ran to hug me and said he had been so worried. As much as I hated how he found out, being strong for him steadied me. I told him I was OK and asked if he knew what the word "tumor" meant. He said he did. I refused to say the word cancer for another week. I would keep his world as normal as possible — we would still go on vacation with our friends, we would walk the dog, we'd get ready for third grade.

    The rest of that first day became about telling people. My dad, my boss, my best friends and my Aunt Jane, who happens to be a retired oncology pharmacist. Aunt Jane had an immediate response: You're going to Moffitt.

    Moffitt Cancer Center is a world-class treatment center and its main campus is 45 minutes from my home in St. Petersburg. People travel from all over Florida to be treated there.

    I called their main contact line without a referral and established myself as a patient.

    "I just had a colonoscopy, they found a tumor. I'm 43."

    That's all it took. I was booked.


    The diagnosis was official on July 27. I had rectal adenocarcinoma. Cancer.

    Tests over the next few weeks would determine that it was Stage 3 because the tumor was present in two lymph nodes. The tumor was big, about 3 inches, and had grown through the rectal wall. It was obstructing my bowels.

    The first appointment with Moffitt was in late July, the day after my 44th birthday. I met my radiation oncologist, Jessica Frakes. She walked me through the likely treatment plan: chemoradiation for six weeks, chemotherapy for about four months, then they would determine whether I would need surgery or would qualify for a "watch and wait" approach.

    They asked if I needed to freeze eggs, as radiation would end my fertility and send me into early menopause. I laughed.

    "Nope," I said. "We're done."

    Compared to everything else I was trying to process, early menopause did not even make me blink.

    "Am I going to be there for my kid?" I asked Frakes. She is a mom, too.

    "Yes," she said, looking me in the eyes. "We can treat this."

    Surgery, I'd come to learn later, meant a complete rectal resection and living the rest of my life with a colostomy bag. The tumor was too close to the sphincter to remove it and reconnect me.

    I handled that super well, if your definition of super well is sobbing in front of the surgeon for a minute before pulling myself together. If you're keeping track, this is the second of two times I cried.

    The chance of a complete cure without surgery? About 18% to 25%.

    Meet Regina George

    I'm a fixer. I don't have patience for waiting to see what happens. I dive in and make the necessary corrections and get things on track. I thrive on deadlines, which is probably why I'm a journalist. I am the organizer of our social lives and a walking encyclopedia at work. Need a phone number? I have the Rolodex. Need your password changed? Sigh, come on, I can help you.

    It's hard to be that person when control strolls out the door.

    I pored over studies on rectal cancer. I developed strong opinions on the quality of medical writing. I kept going to the gym. I kept working. I took meticulous notes at every doctor visit.

    The only thing that threw me? Telling people who didn't know. Phone calls, texts, Slack messages all made me choke up. I had to tell close friends via Instagram message because they got stuck out of the country on vacation. It felt like I was hurting or disappointing people because something serious was wrong with me. Colleagues found out but didn't make eye contact at work, friends begged to help. I turned to humor to cope.

    I have a tumor. It's in my butt! I have cancer, shouldn't have kept that stick up my ass. If there was a butt joke, I told it.

    It shocked the world when actor Chadwick Boseman died of colon cancer in 2020. He was the same age as me. Colon and rectal cancer are often grouped together because of the similarities, but there are differences in treatment and outcomes — specifically, the option for the watch and wait approach only applies to rectal cancer. The American Cancer Society says an estimated 53,200 people died from colorectal cancer in 2020, including 3,640 men and women younger than age 50. The numbers are likely skewed as the cause of death is regularly misstated as colon cancer.

    Our reluctance to talk about something uncomfortable is literally killing us.

    In a 2021 Body Stuff TED Audio Collective, gynecologist Jen Gunter talked to poop experts, asking, why are we so squeamish around the topic of this essential bodily function? One survey said 67% of Americans with irritable bowel syndrome waited more than a year after the start of their symptoms to even talk to a doctor.

    Our collective shame, Gunter said, stems back to Victorian times and the proliferation of toilets in the home, sanitary reforms, sewer systems — all of which made pooping an increasingly private act.

    "When most people think about poop, they think about shame and embarrassment," Gunter said. "It's something they don't want to talk about, and that prevents us from learning things that can keep us healthy."

    Shaking off the stigma of colorectal cancer, of words like rectum and sphincter that have long been the butt (sorry) of jokes, isn't easy. Twice in my long career at the Times, editors have gotten in trouble for running stories about poop. I am one of them. The other edited this story.

    I decided to embrace radical honesty and use uncomfortable words. But the word I truly hated saying was tumor, so with the help of a friend, I named it Regina George. She's the intractable bully who gets hit by a bus in the movie "Mean Girls." And then I told Facebook so I could stop the exhausting chore of telling people face to face. It lifted a weight to not have to say the words anymore. No more awkward pauses, no more "oh, poor Ellen" eyes.

    The first step

    Five days a week, for six weeks, I'd take oral chemotherapy drugs, drive to Moffitt's main campus in North Tampa and lay under a machine that rotated around my pelvis. This medical device immediately took away the pain that made simply sitting nearly impossible.

    My body being microwaved is going to cause side effects for the rest of my life. My tumor was too advanced for a trial that would have targeted it more directly, so the entire area had to be radiated. This means I have to employ my husband or a device one might find in an adult store to prevent vaginal stenosis as long as I live.

    Radiation caused urgency to go to the bathroom, which I was living with before anyway. The oral chemo made me tired, but nothing crazy. My best friend came to visit to help at what was supposed to be the worst time, and I was fine, able to enjoy time together that the pandemic had stolen. At the end, my doctor had me start pelvic floor physical therapy because, again, microwaved pelvis.

    Moffitt is big on celebrating the steps, so I rung a waiting room bell to mark the end of chemoradiation in October. It was 7 a.M., and I was alone but for the radiation staff and the other patients. After weeks of jealousy and joy watching other people ringing that bell, I felt relief when it was my turn.

    Then came chemo

    Just before Thanksgiving, I started the first of eight rounds of intravenous chemotherapy through a port placed in my chest. I would sit through a couple of hours of chemo delivery at Moffitt, editing stories and running remote meetings. And then I would leave the hospital with a pump that continued to deliver a drug for 46 hours.

    I hated that pump. It made it so that I couldn't lay on my side, which made sleep more elusive. It whirred when it was shooting drugs into my system, which made my stomach clench. Its black bag was an albatross, a sign that something was wrong. Also, it scared my dog.

    The first round was the worst, marked by fun memories like throwing up on myself going 65 mph on the Howard Frankland Bridge. My oncologist, Iman Imanirad, adjusted my anti-nausea medication, and I didn't get sick again. One of the drugs causes a horrible neuropathy that makes it feel like you're swallowing glass if you drink cold liquid. That sensation didn't go away until treatment was over. I dreamed about ice water for months.

    By December, my hair was thinning and my heart rate was spiking during workouts. Imanirad told me I should continue to exercise but to listen to my body. People who knew I had cancer kept complimenting my weight loss, to which I replied that I wouldn't recommend my method.

    When my gym closed its doors for good on New Year's Eve, I was bereft but was still able to get in a couple of workouts a week in my friend's garage.

    Then the constant nosebleeds started. My heart rate spiked to a running rate when I was doing simple exercise. By February, I was offended by the fact that I looked sick, that I was pale and wan. But that was also the month where I found some hope.

    One of the coaches from my old gym opened a small group personal training center, St. Pete Strength Club. I had avoided the exercise bike months before my diagnosis because of the pain it caused, but in the new gym I decided, what the hell, I'll try it. On Feb. 23, just ahead of my last round of chemo, I sat on the bike as part of a circuit class. I squealed and clapped, turning to two of my regular workout buddies.

    "It doesn't hurt!"

    The break

    Chemo ended March 1. I rang the bell at Moffitt while my husband documented the moment. The nurse asked if I wanted to keep my pump bag and I politely suggested that they burn it. Our son was peeved that we didn't let him skip school, but he was in on it later when friends and family surprised me with a gathering over pizza and drinks to celebrate the milestone.

    After a month, it was time to find out the answer I'd been waiting for: Was my cancer, for all practical purposes, gone? Or would I be scheduled for a surgery and a colostomy bag?

    I told myself and anyone who asked that I was at peace with either outcome as long as I was alive. The CT scan didn't show anything. My MRI report noted "no tumor seen." The final step, in which a camera goes directly into the rectum, showed inflammation from radiation and a scar where Regina George had lived.

    But Regina was gone, hit by the bus. I was all smiles. My husband was still worried. My son did a little dance.

    My surgeon at Moffitt, Seth Felder, is a cautious man. He called it a complete or near complete response. Then he laid out the risks of "watch and wait" versus scheduling surgery.

    There's no way to know if all the cancer cells are gone without removing the entire rectum, but a decent number of cases in small studies have shown that chemo and radiation can kill the disease.

    With watch and wait, he would repeat the camera procedure every three months for three years. If I get to a full year and have no regrowth, the chances of it coming back go down and keep dropping. And I get to keep my rectum, my sphincter, my pelvic floor — all of which had been touched by Regina and would otherwise have to go.

    I asked Felder what he would do if he was me, and he said he would make the same choice: watch and wait.

    But why?

    Every time I sat to write this story, I stopped because it didn't have an end. I understand better now that there is no end.

    This experience will always be part of me, from the impact of pelvic radiation on the body — the loss of full bladder control and vaginal "homework," as we jokingly call it in my marriage — to knowing exactly who in my life is going to show up when I'm down.

    My hair is growing back, my heart rate is normal. I am lifting increasingly heavier weights and reveling in my strength. The gym is my mental health management of choice. Moffitt staff asked, "How are you feeling emotionally?" at every appointment. I kept waiting to delve into a pit of anxiety that never materialized. It still could, though. Cancer is a trauma and everyone handles it differently.

    The thing I won't know until science figures it out is why this happened to me. My paternal grandfather died of colon cancer, but testing showed that my cancer was not genetic. My son will need to start having colonoscopies in his early 30s. In fact, I discovered that my younger brother has had the procedure since his 20s because of our identical family history. No doctor ever recommended that to me. My tumor was likely growing for eight to 10 years, so earlier testing would have made a difference.

    I'm overweight, which could play a role. Could it be forever chemicals? Microplastics? Something we're eating or breathing?

    No one knows, but I say "we" for a reason. The cases of younger people with colorectal cancer are growing without a clear cause. This story will join the ones I found last summer when I was Googling tales of women in their 40s with rectal cancer. An acquaintance in Florida who is my age got an eerily similar diagnosis just weeks before I did, and she is a next-level kind of fit.

    I stopped eating meat because it helped to control the inflammation caused by radiation, but vegetarians get rectal cancer, too.

    There is no end and no real answer. I'm grateful that the aggressive treatment plan had the best possible outcome. Even if things change and surgery becomes necessary, I can live a long life. This surgery, doctors say, does not shorten life expectancy.

    I am lucky to have a supportive workplace and village of family and friends, the people who will pick up our kid at school or drop off dinner. The aunt who will call into nearly every doctor's appointment to advocate for me.

    I think a lot about the people who don't have access to what I did, to doctors and nurses and technicians who listen, and insurance that wasn't a nightmare.

    To date, I have inspired at least seven colonoscopies. If you're reading this because you're trying to figure out what's going on with you, don't sleep on it.

    Call your doctor. Ask for the referral. Advocate for yourself. Talk about your poop. There may not be an end to my story, but I'm busy living.

    In closing

    My son and I made a pact early on that he could ask me any questions he had at night when we settled down to read, no judgments and no secrets. For a kid prone to worrying, his questions about the cancer have always been technical.

    "Are they going to replace some of your butt tubing with a plastic hose or something?"

    He has thrived despite the ripples of my disease. I've seen his confidence and compassion bloom. He made honor roll.

    Before I leave his sight, I always tell him, "You know where I am and how to reach me if you need me."

    He always answers, "I know."

    ©2023 Tampa Bay Times. Visit tampabay.Com. Distributed by Tribune Content Agency, LLC.


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